Candidate Application
Please fill out application as completely as possible - some fields are required. Once your app has been submitted, you will be contacted with further information about your upcoming event.
Event Registration Fee - $80.00 for Walk to Emmaus and $50 for Face to Face
This fee partially offsets event expenses. Please contact your sponsor (if you have one) or us for available financial scholarships or if you have additional questions.
You may pay:
Online - click the ‘Donate/Pay’ button above. Bring email receipt with you to your event
Mail Check - Make a check payable to: Iowa Walk to Emmaus - mail to the address below.
At Event Registration - You may pay the Registrar during event registration
Send Registration Checks to:
Iowa Walk to Emmaus
Sarah Strohman
1503 Union Street
Emmetsburg, IA 50536
Please make checks payable to: Iowa Walk to Emmaus